How to Use School Badges to Highlight Student Success
The Potential of Badges for School
School uniforms have been commonplace in the UK since the 1800s, being a powerful tool for levelling the playing field between students. But while every student is wearing the same clothes, you can use school badges to highlight a variety of aspects of student behaviour and achievement.
Whether focused on academic success, house differentiation, or council membership, school badges can be used to elevate confidence in students. We’ve put together this blog to share some of the ways you can use badges in your school to create a more nurturing environment for your students.
Academic Achievement
Praise is a vital element of education, providing children with the encouragement that they need to continue pushing themselves through their learning. School merit badges are an effective way to offer a tangible symbol of praise to students who have recently overcome an academic challenge.
What’s great about academic school badges is that they can be offered to students at varying degrees of aptitude and achievement – they’re not just for the kids earning the highest grades. We all know that different children learn at different rates, and while the concept of ‘sets’ has sparked a lot of debate, it’s still important to tailor education, and therefore praise, to students with different degrees of ability.
Offering a school badge (perhaps a star badge) to a student who’s made progress in their own educational journey is a great way to show that you recognise their hard work, regardless of the literal grades they’ve achieved.
Council Membership
Being part of the school council is often a formative experience in a young student’s life, offering them a window into the realm of democracy and decision-making at a young age. Rightfully so, it should be seen as a point of pride to be a part of the institution.
School badges should be provided to council members to signify this achievement while also alerting other students that council members are present and available for conversations.
House Badges
Most schools have some form of house system in place to integrate students of different ages, compete in school-wide competitions and more. Creating custom school badges for the houses of your institution is a great way to encourage house pride in students while also allowing for more comfortable interactions to take place between house members.
Much More
Beyond what we’ve already described in this blog, there are endless potential uses for school
badges. Whether a student showcases initiative in an environmental campaign, succeeds in a
sporting event or even shows improvement in a behavioural issue, badges are a real, tangible
way to let them know how well they’re doing.
For more information on custom and pre-designed school badges, visit our website today!